Duck Hunting Oklahoma

Duck hunting is a sport best shared with friends both new and old. It is a common ground between people across the country that can bring them together even if it is the first time they meet. This week we feature a few hunts from Oklahoma that brought us together with the guys from First Light Gear, The Management Advantage, and a couple new friends from social media.

The end result of our three days of duck hunting is one that will not be forgotten! To be able to hunt the same spot three consecutive days successfully happens rarely. To share these experiences with both new friends and old makes it even better. Regardless of a successful hunt or not, duck hunting lends an awesome opportunity to introduce both young and old to the outdoors. Passing on the tradition of hunting and the outdoors is something we should all do.

Duck hunting is a sport best shared with friends both new and old. It is a common ground between people across the country that can bring them together even if
Find' ich gut!



Veröffentlicht am 20. März 2015


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