"Circles" is a short film, about being a part of nature and taking care of whats entrusted to you. It takes place during the last day of the danish hunting season, when the circles of the season end and start again.
Fun facts:
1: The poem in "Circles" is a philosophical homage to time Deleuzian understanding of time and the acceptance of death as a part of life.
2: The entire production was filmed on the actual last day of the season.
3: The forrest in the film is the same one as portraid in the Always Hunting movie "Heritage".
4: Every animal harvested in the making of the film was taken using Hornady GMX lead free ammunition, and consumed by the hunters friends and family. Bones and innards was given back to the forrest to become a part of the ecosystem.
Sitka Athletes:
Nikolaj Trier & David Carsten Pedersen
Production and concept:
Always Hunting
Cinematography and post production:
Martin La Cour
Finn Noer
Stream factory
Simon Reeve
Supported by:
SITKA gear