We're back with another Hunting Magic Moments episode. A lovely few days in South of France celebrating the launch of Merkels’ new HELIX Speedster and testing it practically in the field. Owen is no stranger to the fast action of this weapon, but the new top opened ‘omega grip’, versatile ‘memory cheek piece’ and geometry with a straight comb on level with the barrel, transfers the recoil linearly into the shoulder and makes for an exiting new addition to their range.

The event was hosted and filmed in the last few days of the wild boar season in France earlier this year, the particular region had a permanent open season as the population is so high.

It was a pleasure to enjoy great weather, good company, excellent organisation in a relaxed and very social environment. Another hunting trip with many happy memories and new friends including rugby legend Vern Cotter! 🌿📯☀️

Be sure to comment & like!

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We're back with another Hunting Magic Moments episode. A lovely few days in South of France celebrating the launch of Merkels’ new HELIX Speedster and testing it practically in the


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