Traffic Duck Hunting In Alberta: Hard Core Waterfowl TV Episode 1

Every hunt is different and the end result is much in the same and most hunts are memorable in some way shape or form, but If every duck hunt was easy, then the “great” hunts wouldn’t mean as much. In this premiering episode of Hard Core Waterfowl TV, follow Hard Core’s Matt Dahlstrom, Blake Hagemeier, & Ryan Briesh to the golden barley fields of eastern Alberta in pursuit of some Canadian mallards. In this particular hunt the Hard Core team encounters a scenario that many can relate to, not having access to the field the birds are using, resulting in having to run traffic on a neighboring property.

Every hunt is different and the end result is much in the same and most hunts are memorable in some way shape or form, but If every duck hunt was
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 21. November 2015


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