The Shooting Show - Mark Ripley's foxing masterclass PLUS the UK Game Fair

Long-range foxer Mark Ripley is out again, making a dawn raid on Charlie and taking the time to explain his foxing tactics while he's at it. Covering everything from his kit choices to shooting tactics to why he does it, Mark gives us an exquisite foxing masterclass that no vulpine controller will want to miss. And he finds the time to put a couple of foxes on the ground too...

And in the Shooting Show news there's a new game fair in town. The UK Game Fair is set to make its debut at NAEC at Stoneleigh Park on 22-24 July next year. With the scenic Stoneleigh Abbey making an appearance too, it's the perfect show to fill the void left by the demise of the CLA Game Fair. Long-range foxer Mark Ripley is out again, making a dawn raid on Charlie and taking the time to explain his foxing tactics while he's at it. Covering everything from
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 27. Oktober 2015


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