The Blowingstone and Punchbowl Syndicate Shoot With GunsOnPegs

Season Two – Episode Two: With the 2015-2016 shooting season is well under way, we’re in Oxfordshire for the Blowingstone and Punchbowl Syndicate Shoot Day with GunsOnPegs.

Welcome to a Great British Shooting, here we celebrate all that is great about shooting in Britain. From world-renowned driven shoots on prestigious country estates, through to walked up "rough shoots" on farms and smallholdings, we meet some of the incredible characters that bring our shooting days together.

Situated in the valleys of the Ridgeway near Wantage, the Blowingstone and Punchbowl shooting ground extends to over 2,500 acres. The spectacular wide valleys and steep banks make for the very best in driven shooting.

GunsOnPegs currently have over 75,000 members throughout the country. Today, 10 guns have gathered to shoot at one of the clubs syndicate days. The club holds 4 or 5 syndicate shoot days throughout the shooting season, each day presents excellent and challenging shooting for all the guns.

Thanks to the unique topography and memorable drives such as the popular “Star Wars”, all the guns have the opportunity for a fun days shooting amongst these amazing ‘secret valleys’.

For more information about GunsOnPegs or to join, please visit their website at

Enjoy, like, share and subscribe for more Team Wild TV!


Season Two – Episode Two: With the 2015-2016 shooting season is well under way, we’re in Oxfordshire for the Blowingstone and Punchbowl Syndicate Shoot Day with GunsOnPegs. Welcome to a
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 8. Februar 2016


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