pirsch Videos mit „pirsch“

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09:50 Canadian Double - Hunting Moose and Caribou Canadian Double - Hunting Moose and Caribou
Siegfried Pieper Siegfried Pieper
Henrik Lott hunts moose and mountain caribou in the harsh country and rough terrain of the Canadian North West Territories. This is a pure wilderness backpack hunt in a hunting area with ...
Henrik Lott hunts moose and mountain caribou in the harsh country a...
19:13 Auf Rehwild-Pirsch mit Peter Diekmann Auf Rehwild-Pirsch mit Peter Diekmann
Hubert Häring Hubert Häring
Ja, es ist schon einige Tage her. Aber auch heute jagt DJZ-Redakteur Peter Diekmann noch gerne auf Rehwild. Begleiten Sie Ihn in dieser Reportage bei der Pirsch auf Rehböcke im Sommer. A...
Ja, es ist schon einige Tage her. Aber auch heute jagt DJZ-Redakteu...
05:05 Rehwildjagd in Südfrankreich / Roe deer stalking in Southern France Rehwildjagd in Südfrankreich / Roe deer stalking in Southern France
Siegfried Pieper Siegfried Pieper
Rehwildjagd in Südfrankreich mit Philippe Jaeger.
Rehwildjagd in Südfrankreich mit Philippe Jaeger.
06:44 New Year's hind - Polowanie na jelenie z podchodu - First red deer stalking 2016 New Year's hind - Polowanie na jelenie z podchodu - First red deer stalking 2016
Hubert Häring Hubert Häring
Support RoeStalker - become a Patron! https://www.patreon.com/roestalker First stalk of 2016 and a red hind shot. She was in quite poor condition (compare it to the spiker, you can see he...
Support RoeStalker - become a Patron! https://www.patreon.com/roest...
13:28 Pürschjakt på dovhjort Pürschjakt på dovhjort
Dreispross Kanal Dreispross Kanal
Lubbe och teamet ska ut och pürscha dovhjort, men teamets ovana vid skog och mark sätter återigen käppar i hjulet.
Lubbe och teamet ska ut och pürscha dovhjort, men teamets ovana vid...
11:34 The Shooting Show - Irish sika stalk and 5-mile packout The Shooting Show - Irish sika stalk and 5-mile packout
nordic_stonewood nordic_stonewood
http://www.theshootingshow.tv http://www.deerhunter.eu It's Jason Doyle's turn to get behind the rifle as he heads out in search of a sika stag. This notoriously evasive deer can provide ...
http://www.theshootingshow.tv http://www.deerhunter.eu It's Jason D...
Beyond Timberline Beyond Timberline
Hubert Häring Hubert Häring
Watch as we battle the elements in Montana's Crazy Mountains after a mature Billy. A place of remote rugged beauty, to go where these animals go and learn about their way of life is truly...
Watch as we battle the elements in Montana's Crazy Mountains after ...
12:49 A Passion for Deer - Part 2 of 6 A Passion for Deer - Part 2 of 6
Hubert Häring Hubert Häring
In Part 2 of 6 of A Passion for Deer we once again meet up with Charly Green of Shavesgreen Shooting Services in his native Hampshire this time on the search for a specific and somewhat i...
In Part 2 of 6 of A Passion for Deer we once again meet up with Cha...
11:05 A Passion for Deer - Part 3 of 6 A Passion for Deer - Part 3 of 6
Hubert Häring Hubert Häring
Welcome to Part 3 of 6 of our A Passion for Deer series. In this episode we follow Charly Green of Shavesgreen Shooting Services out of Hampshire and up north to Buckinghamshire. Charly ...
Welcome to Part 3 of 6 of our A Passion for Deer series. In this e...
04:43 Stalking roe does - Polowanie na sarny kozy - Chasse au chevreuil Stalking roe does - Polowanie na sarny kozy - Chasse au chevreuil
Hubert Häring Hubert Häring
Support RoeStalker - become a Patron! https://www.patreon.com/roestalker This time of year again when most of my hunts will be management and taking care of the female part of the roe dee...
Support RoeStalker - become a Patron! https://www.patreon.com/roest...