Canadian Double - Hunting Moose and Caribou

Henrik Lott hunts moose and mountain caribou in the harsh country and rough terrain of the Canadian North West Territories. This is a pure wilderness backpack hunt in a hunting area with the size of Belgium and without any roads or settlements. The helicopter flys the hunters out and the hunt begins. Main game and wildlife in the South Nahanni Outfit is Moose, Mountain Caribou, Grizzly (protected), Dall sheep, mountain goat, wolf and wolverine.

He hunts open sight (iron sight), shooting a Krieghoff Classic Big Five Double Rifle in .375 H.&H.
Follow him on this pure wilderness adventure and experience one of the most remote and beautiful places on earth!

A movie from Sebastian Steinbrink-Minami @Hunting Film Creatives

Find out more about Krieghoff Rifles:
Find out more about the hunting outfit:

Henrik Lott hunts moose and mountain caribou in the harsh country and rough terrain of the Canadian North West Territories. This is a pure wilderness backpack hunt in a hunting
Find' ich gut!
Veröffentlicht am 6. Februar 2016


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