Nasal bot fly infestation in roe deer - Larwy strzykacza sarniego


Support RoeStalker - become a Patron! I always say people are missing out not boiling out their trophies :-) This is a head of the buck I shot earlier ( "Roebuck missed.. and hit" ). There was absolutely no reaction from the buck on the first shot, was this the reason why? Quite possible...
This is not the first roebuck with nasal bot larvae I boiled out. They are more common in some areas I stalk and not really present elsewhere. I find mainly roe from forestry and wet areas got nasal bot flies infested. I never found any in farmland roe. That one was quite bad as there was over 50 large larvae inside buck's nose/throat area. Must have been causing him major irritation. His body weight was below average, but I have seen roebucks with nasal bot larvae in much worse condition.
I must say we watched the buck for a while before shooting and he was behaving normally (except not reacting to missed shot). Usually bucks with nasal bot flies cough and sneeze, shake head, later change coat, have scruffy coat or are missing some etc, but not this one.
Not the prettiest sight, I know, but if you are a roe stalker as I am, this is part of the sport. Roe deer are fascinating species.

Film edukacyjny pokazujący ciężki przypadek rogacza ze strzykaczem. Nie była to pierwsza sztuka, która miała w sobie larwy strzykacza sarniego w nosie, ale zdecydowanie najgorszy przypadek jaki widziałem.

Więcej informacji na moim blogu:

Support RoeStalker - become a Patron! I always say people are missing out not boiling out their trophies :-) This is a head of the buck I shot earlier
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 19. Juni 2016


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