Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG 6x6: The Super-Offroader

With its superior 6x6 all-wheel drive technology, AMG V8 biturbo power, 400 kW (544 hp), five differential locks and a special chassis the Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG 6x6 near-series show vehicle represents the last word in forward-thrusting power far from the beaten track. Subscribe to Mercedes-Benz on YouTube:

Thanks to the wealth of interior enhancements from the AMG stable, the occupants can enjoy the highest possible degree of comfort, even when negotiating the worst that the combined forces of topography and meteorology can throw at them. Even the rocky terrain of the Tuscany is negotiated with all the agility of a mountain goat. The Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG 6x6 is able to storm up the highest sand dunes with ease while sand tracks hold no fears thanks to its unshakable directional stability; fording a river becomes almost child's play thanks to the impressive fording capability of one metre.

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With its superior 6x6 all-wheel drive technology, AMG V8 biturbo power, 400 kW (544 hp), five differential locks and a special chassis the Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG 6x6 near-series show


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