How to build a long range shooting system


Long range shooters Ulf Lindroth and Thomas Haugland travel to the Arctic Circle to perform a serious field test combining the new Blaser R8 in 338 Lapua Magnum and the new Zeiss Victory V8 4,8-35x60. Focusing less on technical details and more on practical limits, they shoot the system in the fjords and mountains of northern Norway. Initially they trim the system to deliver accuracy in the field, and then using it for practical shooting. This is how it went.

This item appears in Fieldsports Britain, episode 298. To watch the whole show go to

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Long range shooters Ulf Lindroth and Thomas Haugland travel to the Arctic Circle to perform a serious field test combining the new Blaser R8 in 338 Lapua Magnum and the
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Veröffentlicht am 26. September 2015


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