First red stag of the season 2011. Scotland. Deer stalking / hunting / shooting.

Support RoeStalker - become a Patron! I do not shoot many red deer in Scotland as the land I stalk is mainly forestry and extraction is a nightmare...
I went out one September morning and spotted a movement just at the edge of the trees, not far from the place where I shot one of the bucks. I put the rifle on sticks and waited. All I could see were tips of the antlers. I felt wind on my back and thought no luck again... but no, st. Hubert was on my side this time. The stag saw me but could not see me well, but was curious. Then I saw a movement behind him - another young 6-pointer. The stag I was after stepped out of the trees to have a look. I knew that was my only chance and neck shot it. He dropped on the spot.
It was not far away from the track, but it took me over an hour to drag and load it...
He weighted 150 pounds (68kg) head and legs off.
Again Steyr Mannlicher Pro Hunter .308 with 150 grain Hornady SST.
Thanks for looking.

Full story at:

Pierwszy Szkocki byk. Polowanie z podchodu.

Więcej na moim blogu o polowaniu

Support RoeStalker - become a Patron! I do not shoot many red deer in Scotland as the land I stalk is mainly forestry and extraction is a nightmare... I
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 8. Juni 2015


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