Fallow Deer Stalking in Lincolnshire

Steve Wild is out early on a beautiful spring morning for some fallow deer stalking in Lincolnshire.

Welcome to the Great British Shooting on Team Wild TV.

On the last episode we joined Ian Harford stalking roebuck in Hampshire (Please click here to watch now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUqyb8M7ZZw). Today, Steve has agreed to help out his good friend, Ben Smith with a fallow deer cull.

The adventure begins with Steve in a highseat. As he scans the area for animal activity, Steve admires the stunning wilderness that surrounds him.

His peaceful morning is soon interrupted; a group of fallow does appear a short distance from Steve’s location. After setting up his Blaser R8 Professional Success, Steve waits patiently until a safe, clean shot is available. Once the opportunity is clear, Steve takes the shot and successfully harvests his first fallow doe of the day.

It has been a great start to the day. Steve decides to change tactic and begins a woodland stalk on foot. He soon comes across a massive group of ten fallow does feeding. Steve is spoilt for choice, but is able to carefully select the appropriate doe to harvest. He takes his time and slowly squeezes the trigger.

The action didn’t end there for Steve. As the day went on Steve removes several more does, bringing his grand total to nine. It has been an incredible outing for Steve, not only has it been fun, he has helped with a critical undertaking for any woodland that is home to a high number of fallow does. It is of vital importance to manage and maintain animal numbers like this on estates all over the country. Over population of any species could be disastrous for the environment.

Next time on Great British Shooting, we are roebuck stalking in Cornwall.

Great British Shooting is proudly sponsored by

Realtree Global - www.realtree.com/global-hunting

Deerhunter Clothing - www.deerhunter.eu/en

Hawke Optics – www.uk.hawkeoptics.com

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Steve Wild is out early on a beautiful spring morning for some fallow deer stalking in Lincolnshire. Welcome to the Great British Shooting on Team Wild TV. On the last
Find' ich gut!
Veröffentlicht am 19. Mai 2018


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