Episode 11 - Wild Boar Hunting: The Final Reflection

We’re back in the UK with Ian Harford and Steve Wild as they look back at their incredible trip to the Hungairan wilderness hunting driven wild boar.

Welcome to Wild Boar Road Trip – Hungary on Deerhunter TV.

In this final episode, Ian and Steve take a look back on the whole experience with an in depth review of the equipment, the trip and the lessons learnt along the way. Along with a few funny anecdotes and behind the scenes information, the final instalment lets you have a look at never before seen slip ups behind the camera and the little things Ian and Steve discuss when the cameras are turned off.

From glorious views, challenging weather conditions and incredibly tough packing out trips, there were plenty of amazing things that happened during the entire adventure. Ian and Steve want to share just a few of their top moments that will make this hunting trip one they will remember forever.

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We’re back in the UK with Ian Harford and Steve Wild as they look back at their incredible trip to the Hungairan wilderness hunting driven wild boar. Welcome to Wild
Find' ich gut!
Veröffentlicht am 3. September 2018


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