GRS rifle stock - Part 2

Mads Jessen
2 Min. Lesezeit

The Norwegian stock producer Grodas Rifle Stock (GRS) make some of the most innovative solution when it comes to aftermarked stocks. As you have seen the most important features have already been mentioned by Jan Hüffmeier, but I would like to comment on some of the other good points about this rifles stock Firstly, they are made of the very sturdy stratabond laminate, which will be able to take a lot of beating, and keep its shape in every kind of condition - hot or cold, damp or dry. This means that you can trust the zeroing of the rifles, because the stock is not going to warp at all.

No chequering at all on the stock is something you have to get accustomed to, but it really makes no difference at all, and it is so much easier to keep clean and oil when needed. Secondly, the design of the handle is also somewhat unusual, as the handle itself is big and a bit 'of centre' towards the shooting hand. This provides the shooter with a solid grip and the ability to raise the elbow further up, but the thumb need to rest more pointing upwards than on traditional stocks. At first it feels awkward, but once accustomed to, you get a very good control of the rifle. Particularly so when you are shooting standing up, just as on moving targets as we love here in Scandinavia, but certainly also on a traditional ‘treibjagd’.

Furthermore, because the hand is positioned as it is, the repeating of the rifle for a second shot becomes easier – the ergonomics are certainly one of the best I have experienced I this regard. Thirdly, the design itself; it looks what it is – a genuine shooting machine! I know this might fall completely of the preference of many continental hunters, but thank Wotan for no silly woodcarvings or superfluous golden inlays. Just plane precise shooting. So, if you are looking for a stock to improve your shooting, and one that catches the eye of many fellow shooters and hunters, the GRS is well worth the money.

Find' ich gut!


vor mehr als 10 Jahren

Excellent reveiw!! For what Kind of shooting do you use it mostly?

vor mehr als 10 Jahren

And which Modell is it exactly?

Mads Jessen
vor mehr als 10 Jahren

I use it mostly for precision shooting and jagd-parcours, so I chose the Sporter model. If I should use it more for hunting, which I seldom do now, I would recommend the Decima Sporter, which is a somewhat lighter version, but with the same features.

Mads Jessen
vor mehr als 10 Jahren

and (needless to say) chambered in the venerable 6.5x55!

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