Wolf Hunting In Siberia: Saving The Reindeer (Part 1) | AJ+ Docs

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In Siberia, wolves are killing reindeer by the thousands, pushing the government to create a bounty system to curtail the wolf population. This is part 1 of our doc, and you can find part 2 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN5aMxqZ55w&index=1&list=PLZd3QRtSy5LNRf921JJvS_7gXKBaTI6rq

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Watch Our Latest Documentaries: http://ajplus.co/ajplusdocsnew In Siberia, wolves are killing reindeer by the thousands, pushing the government to create a bounty system to curtail the wolf population. This is part
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Veröffentlicht am 24. Mai 2018


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