The STRASSER RS14 hunting rifle

The STRASSER RS14 hunting rifle is a true multi-talent!

The Austrian gun manufacturer STRASSER vouches for excellent product quality in this context and presents you with over 20 different calibers the always reliable partner for stalking and all your hunting ventures. But also as a passionate sports shooter, you choose exactly the right product with one of these models. Precise and elegant, the RS14 is an excellent model for countless applications.

Available in 14 variants, you can choose exactly the gun that meets your individual requirements. Starting with the variants "Standard", "Premium", "Luxus I" as well as "Luxus II", through "Consul", a model with three different finishes, to the models "RS Super Luxus", "Exclusive I and II" as well as "RS 14 Links", STRASSER offers you the precise hunting rifle which, in terms of the respective workmanship, fully meets even your highest demands for quality and precision.

The carefully crafted stock is just one indication of the company's passionate commitment to gunmaking. Because wood is alive and therefore has a soul. Thus, the stock crafted from this natural product will "tell" the story of your hunting successes with its patina.

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The STRASSER RS14 hunting rifle is a true multi-talent! The Austrian gun manufacturer STRASSER vouches for excellent product quality in this context and presents you with over 20 different calibers


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