The Islands and the Whales trailer |

Follow the film...

In their remote home in the North Atlantic the Faroe Islanders have always eaten what nature could provide, proud to put local food on the table. The land yields little, so they have always relied on harvesting their seas.

Hunting whales and seabirds kept them alive for generations, and gave them the way of life they love; a life they would pass on to their children. But today they face a grave threat to this tradition.

It is not the controversy surrounding whaling that threatens the Faroese way of life; the danger is coming from the whales themselves.

The Faroese are among the first to feel the affects of our ever more polluted oceans. They have discovered that their beloved whales are toxic, contaminated by the outside world. What once secured their survival now endangers their children and the Faroe Islanders must make a choice between health and tradition.


Pioneering Technology In Documentary Film

We are very excited to be pioneering new sound technology on this film both in with documentary field recordings and theatrical delivery.

In the field we painstakingly recorded this film with an four capsule ambisonic microphone which captures the entire sphere of sound around it, not only allows us to remap the source sound in full 3D, including vertical access.

This means that with a Dolby Atmos 128 speaker array we can bring a cinema or home audience into the exact sound space of the islands, completely encapsulating the audience in the sound as it was in the scene left-right, front-back and up-down.

We worked on developing this technology to its full potential with Skywalker Sound and Harpex Ambisonics.

For this reason the theatrical and bluray versions will be a little bit of cinema history! It is a spine tingling experience in 5.1 or 7.1 surround or Atmos and we can't wait to bring this new experience to audiences.


Ro*co Films International

Annie Roney

Director Mike Day

Production Company Intrepid Cinema

Producer Mike Day

Co-producer Henrik Underbjerg & Stefan Frost

Cinematographer Mike Day

Editors Mary Lampson

Nicole Hálová

Mike Day

Claire Ferguson

David Charap

Sound Designer Chris Barnett at Skywalker Sound

Composer Antony Partos

Mike Sheridan

Partners Sundance Documentary Institute

Creative Scotland

San Fransisco Film Society

The Filmmaker Fund

Wellcome Trust

Danish Film Institute

Scottish Documentary Institute

Influence Film Foundation

Creative Europe


Factum Arte


Follow the film... In their remote home in the North Atlantic the Faroe Islanders have always eaten what nature could provide, proud to put local food on the table.
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 18. Juni 2016


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