maisernte Videos mit „maisernte“

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Wildboar Hunting in Germany Wildboar Hunting in Germany
Hubert Häring Hubert Häring
The fields of maize are getting bigger, thanks to the "green" energy in biogas plants. The wild boar has quickly become accustomed to the corn and keeps for months in the cornfields. Liab...
The fields of maize are getting bigger, thanks to the "green" energ...
07:18 Wildschweinjagd während der Maisernte Wildschweinjagd während der Maisernte
Dreispross Kanal Dreispross Kanal
The fields of maize are getting bigger, thanks to the "green" energy in biogas plants. The wild boar has quickly become accustomed to the corn and keeps for months in the cornfields. Liab...
The fields of maize are getting bigger, thanks to the "green" energ...