Swarovski Z8i riflescope rail mount on Blaser R8

Support RoeStalker - become a Patron!
https://www.patreon.com/roestalker Just a short instructional video showing how to mount a rail mounted scope. This is Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18x56 riflescope mounted on a Blaser R8 rifle using Blaser QD saddle mount. This is Swarovski rail (SR), but the same principle applies to Zeiss and S&B type of rails.

0:15 Blaser SR saddle mount
3:10 Objective lens protector
3:47 Ocular lens protector
4:55 Ballistic turret flex


My deer stalking blog: http://roestalker.co.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoeStalker
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Krótki film pokazujący jak zamontować lunetę z szyną. Luneta to Swarovski Z8i i szyna Swarovskiego (SR), ale montaż Zeiss'a i S&B wygląda podobnie.

0:15 Montaż siodłowy Blaser SR
3:10 Osłona obiektywu
3:47 Osłona okularu
4:55 Wieżyczka balistyczna BTF


Mój blog o polowaniu: http://roestalker.pl


Support RoeStalker - become a Patron! https://www.patreon.com/roestalker Just a short instructional video showing how to mount a rail mounted scope. This is Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18x56 riflescope mounted on a Blaser
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 30. Juni 2017


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