RIP Ammunition - High Speed Slow Motion Tests g2 ballistic

RIP Ammunition - High Speed Slow Motion Tests g2 ballistic

Any donations to the channel to help me hire help and make more videos!
Bitcoin BTC - 34a4nGvF6GdjQZzgAovKNom61QSJ5gybSM
Ethereum ETH - 0x862d3e7cf88e85C3bdf151A29DdE0173F9B8232d
Litecoin LTC - MJe3mEspGHuHasju2uakog7fv17uWjyLE6

Fullmag Shirts and Hats available here:

Ditch the hipsterbucks and get America's Coffee here:

Click here to subscribe:

Keep up with me and the projects I'm working on:

The FBI block used in my videos was from Clear Ballistics gel.

Most of the shirts I wear can be found here at Endo Aparrel:

Main Video:

RIP ammo vs Watermelon:

RIP ammo vs Water Bottle:

RIP ammo vs Pineapple:

RIP ammo vs Apple:

RIP ammo fired out the HK P30L:

RIP ammo vs Water Balloon:

RIP ammo vs Ballistics Gel:

RIP ammo vs Drywall:

RIP ammo vs Insulated Drywall:

RIP ammo vs Concrete Cinder Block:

Richard has been at the forefront of digital media and marketing since 2005, with over five billion affiliated views and millions of subscribers and followers to his brands. His shift in focus went from traditional media to digital when he started a software company to facilitate the needs of content creators with the development of an iOS. Since then, he has worked with Google, the YouTube Product Team, 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Universal and other companies in the entertainment and video game industries. Richard also consulted for a multitude of advertising agencies with creative strategies, analytics, and the optimization of content and marketing initiatives. In 2016, he helped launch Verizon and Hearst Media Partners' digital media brand “Rated Red” as Executive Producer. Verizon and Hearst Media Partners focused on various types of content and collaborations within it brands like Complex. VHMP worked with brands like Ford on product initiatives like the F150, Ford Focus, Ford Raptor, Ford GT, Dodge, Ram, SEMA, LA auto show, Nissan and other car, truck, automobile, side by side, atv and motorcycle manufacturers.

During that time Richard and his fellow co-founders at saw growth in the e-commerce coffee company to the point where it required their full time attention. He resigned from Complex Networks to focus on the coffee company in the fall of 2017. The coffee company’s social channels provide entertainment, inspiration and education. Everything from how to make cold brew, how to make coffee via a chemex, diy drink recipes, diy food recipes and more. There is a focus on humor, comedy and sketch comedy based content around the brand to compliment and contrast with the serious themes and types of content from their charity work to telling the stories of the coffee company’s employees to those who have or currently still do serve their country and community.

Richard still enjoys creating content in the outdoor and adventure world. He is an avid wingsuit pilot and skydiver. He enjoys getting up into the mountains hiking, snow skiing, riding snow machines, fishing or anything to get him out from in front of a computer in the office. It's the little things in life... Like mounting a M61 Vulcan 20mm to a Toyota Prius hybrid electric vehicle!

RIP Ammunition - High Speed Slow Motion Tests g2 ballistic Any donations to the channel to help me hire help and make more videos! Bitcoin BTC - 34a4nGvF6GdjQZzgAovKNom61QSJ5gybSM Ethereum ETH
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 3. Juli 2015


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