In Between

In a remote corner of the world a living relic from a prehistoric age still exists. A creature that once roamed the northern plains alongside mammoths and sabertooth cats. This shortfilm is the result of my journey into his world. A world unknown to most of us.

Headphones recommended!

Editor: Nigel Buck (

Photography: Rolf Steinmann (

Narration: Terry Burns (

Support in the field: Matthew Polvorosa Kline (

Sound editor: Tim Owens (

Sound mixer: Ben Peace (

Colourist: Tim Bolt (

Graphic design (cover & posters): Alisa Wimmer (

In a remote corner of the world a living relic from a prehistoric age still exists. A creature that once roamed the northern plains alongside mammoths and sabertooth cats. This
Find' ich gut!



Veröffentlicht am 23. Dezember 2015


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