Hunting speedy wild boar in Corsica

Hunting on tap in a holiday resort? Charlie Jacoby goes to the Mediterranean Island of Corsica to visit an estate that's alive with pheasant, partridge and some of the fastest wild boar in Europe.

To go hunting in l'Ortolu valley in Corsica, visit
It is also listed in

This film was first shown in Fieldsports Britain episode 420. To watch the whole show go to

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Why shoot wild boar?
Most of continental Europe has a wild boar problem. There are millions of animals causing possibly billions of euros of damage to farmland. Happily, there is a control system, based on sport hunting. In some countries, where sport hunters do not manage numbers effectively, they have to pay reparations to farmers.
Wild boar are omnivorous and approximately 400 species of plants and animals have been reported to be part of their diet. Their habit of rooting through the floor of woodland and pasture leaves a clear indicator of their presence. They take both eggs and nestlings of ground-nesting birds. Damage to agriculture can also be extensive and concerns have been raised regarding collisions with traffic. Boar have no natural predators apart from small populations of wolves, meaning culls are necessary to control population growth.
Wild boar are susceptible to the same diseases as domestic pigs and therefore have the potential to spread infectious disease such as swine fever, foot & mouth and Aujesky’s disease.

Hunting on tap in a holiday resort? Charlie Jacoby goes to the Mediterranean Island of Corsica to visit an estate that's alive with pheasant, partridge and some of the fastest
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 13. Dezember 2017


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