How I Gralloch Deer ( Field dressing / gralloching )

Youtube age-restriced this video, now you need to log on to see it and be 18+ years old.

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I wanted to film an instructional video showing DSC level 2 gralloch and inspection explaining the whole process step by step, but it took me ages to film and gralloch at the same time, move camera around and I never filmed a few steps or footage was not great... so I upload it as it is.
If people are interested in this kind of videos, please leave comments and I will try one more time with subtitles/annotations showing all organs, lymph nodes and what to look for and what you will be asked when doing your level 2 Deer Stalking Certificate.

Film instruktażowy pokazujący jak się prawidłowo i czysto patroszy sarnę i na co zwrócić uwagę przy oględzinach tuszy i organów. YouTube zastrzegł film dla osób pełnoletnich, nowsza ulepszona wersja z napisami również dostępna na moim kanale.

Więcej informacji na moim blogu:

Youtube age-restriced this video, now you need to log on to see it and be 18+ years old. If you like my channel consider becoming a Patron, help me move
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 19. März 2015


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