First Scottish stag 2012. Woodland red deer stalking. Polowanie na byka.

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I hope this video shows a bit more how woodland deer stalking in a forestry block looks like. Most people associate deer hunting in Scotland with open hill, but stalking a forestry is a bit different and scenery is not particularly breath taking, but I find it more challenging. On very rare occasions deer can be watched for longer periods and more often they can only be seen briefly crossing tracks and rides. It gives very small widow of opportunity and average success rate is rather low.
This was early October and a nice cold morning. When I got to the forestry I heard a few stags roaring, but they kept to the sitka spruce thickets and I could not bump on to any, but they were roaring loudly not too far away. I could hear three different stags bellowing and decided to stalk as close as I could to the nearest one. It was still early and I got to 40-50m away from the stag, but still could not see him. Suddenly the wind changed and all went quiet...
I waited for a long time, but no deer were crossing the ride I was on. I went back to the main track and when I was walking back to the car I spotted a calf on the side of the road. I could not move as it was not too far away and I was on the middle of the track with no cover. When the calf crossed the track I moved to the side and saw a hind crossing and then a nice stag came out of the forestry and stood on the track.
When he moved away following the hind, I got to the nearest ride and put my rifle on sticks hoping the trio would cross the ride giving me a chance. The first was the hind shortly followed by the stag. I had to roar to have him pause. The plan was good and the stag paused broadside and I squeezed the trigger.
He dropped 150m away from the place I shot him. It was bigger than I thought and I called a friend to help me out, but it still took us several hours to get it out the forestry...

Deer stalking and hunting in Scotland.
Ciervos acecho y la caza en Escocia.
Deer pronásledování a lovu ve Skotsku.
Hjorte pürsch og jagt i Skotland.
Herten jagen in Schotland.
Peuranpyynti Skotlannissa.
La chasse au cerf en Ecosse.
Jagd in Schottland.
Κυνήγι ελαφιών στη Σκωτία.
Szarvas vadászat Skóciában.
Caccia al cervo in Scozia.
Briežu medības Skotijā.
Škotijoje elnių medžioklės.
Hjortejakt i Skottland.
Polowanie na sarny i jelenie w Szkocji.
Caça ao veado na Escócia.
Охоты на оленя в Шотландии.
Rådjur jakt i Skottland.
İskoçya'da geyik avı.

Chyba nie ma ciekawszego łowieckiego przeżycia niż skuteczne polowanie na jelenia byka w czasie rykowiska.

If you like my channel consider becoming a Patron! I hope this video shows a bit more how woodland deer stalking in a forestry block looks like. Most people
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 19. März 2015


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