Fieldsports Britain - Norma Ammunition, episode 104

How does the world's best ammunition manufacturer make bullets? We visit the Norma factory in Sweden to find out. We blow up al kinds of gunpowder and propellant, we look at the difference between plastic-tipped bullets and soft-points, and Charlie gets to shoot a Sterling SMG and a .505 Gibbs hunting rifle. With unprecedented access to the workings of the Norma factory, R&D officer Don Heath shows us what goes into the best factory ammo in the world.

This film is a reupload of Fieldsports Britain episode 104. It was originally uploaded in November 2011.

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How does the world's best ammunition manufacturer make bullets? We visit the Norma factory in Sweden to find out. We blow up al kinds of gunpowder and propellant, we look
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 6. Juli 2015


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