Erongo - Hunting the grey ghost of the mountain

Henrik Lott hunts with Kai-Uwe and Hagen Denker for Kudu in the Erongo mountains of Namibia. The habitat is rough and wild, and the original home of the elusive Kudu, the so called grey ghost of the mountain. The hunt is physically challenging but rewards the hunter with an unforgettable experience and the deep insight that hunting is the purest and most honest form of our existence and nowadays the only way for an area to be protected from the destruction of civilization.

Hunting is conservation!

Find out more about Krieghoff rifles:
Find out more about ethical and sustainable hunt in Namibia and the Namibia Professional Hunters Association (NAPHA):

A movie from Sebastian Steinbrink-Minami @Hunting Film Creatives

Eine deutsche Version des Films gibt es beim Erongo Mountain Trust:

Henrik Lott hunts with Kai-Uwe and Hagen Denker for Kudu in the Erongo mountains of Namibia. The habitat is rough and wild, and the original home of the elusive Kudu,
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 6. Januar 2017


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