DEERHUNTER Highlights @ IWA Live 2019 (EN)


The great outdoors, freedom and excitement all rolled into one ... hunting attracts those looking for adventure and challenges.

This age-old sport had long been a passion for the Engel family, and in 1985, this passion was combined with the extensive experience which the family had built up since 1927 at producing functional clothing.

The result was Deerhunter®, today a popular hunting and leisure brand.

Hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts have specific requirements for their clothing.
For hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, it is important that the clothing is wind and waterproof, breathable, and that the camouflage is adapted to the surroundings, the type of hunting, the vegetation and the terrain. Deerhunter® develops and designs apparel based on the latest technologies, and each garment’s properties are tested in relation to the climate, durability and functionality.

Deerhunter® is the right brand for hunters, anglers and others looking for durable and functional hunting and leisurewear at reasonable prices.

Today, the brand is represented in more than 40 markets worldwide, and in 2009 Deerhunter® was granted a royal warrant as a Purveyor to the Royal Danish Court.

Passion for hunting. The great outdoors, freedom and excitement

At Deerhunter, functionality is the most important parameter for a successful hunt!

Our hunting apparel is designed to be used for all types of hunting, in different types of vegetation and in varying climatic conditions. Therefore we make a point of choosing the right materials for the individual products.

We work with professional hunters engaging in different types of hunting all over the world. In this way, we acquire the broad knowledge which is necessary to develop the right choice of hunting wear for the market.

We use high-tech membranes offering a high level of water penetration resistance, wind resistance and breathability - and strong protection against wear that can withstand the most demanding hunting situations.

We develop camouflage patterns based on our own hunting experiences, the requirements of hunters and demand worldwide. We take into account different types of vegetation, light, climate and types of hunting, and our garments are tested in various environments – an important factor in our product development.

We believe that sound knowledge coupled with testing by professionals are the key criteria for selecting the right materials for every hunting situation and environment – Meet our test team here.

We develop hunting apparel for serious hunters who expect quality for their money!

Good luck on your next hunt!

The great outdoors, freedom and excitement all rolled into one ... hunting attracts those looking for adventure and challenges. This age-old sport had long been a passion for the Engel
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 11. März 2019


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