Bow Hunting Elk with recurve Self bow - Clay Hayes Day 1 on Public Land

Bow hunting Elk in September is the thing we plan our whole year around. Bugling bulls, crisp mornings and cold mountain air bring us back year after year to hike countless miles, climb mountains, and endure freezing temperatures for just a chance. Day 1 of our 2017 traditional archery elk hunt started off great with a fresh snow and bulls bugling from the mountain timber. Traditional Bowhunting Elk often comes down to sheer perseverance, determination, and a little luck sprinkled in here and there. Subscribe to the channel to follow along with our 2017 traditional archery bow hunt for big bulls in Idaho's public land backcountry.

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Bow hunting Elk in September is the thing we plan our whole year around. Bugling bulls, crisp mornings and cold mountain air bring us back year after year to hike
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 30. Oktober 2017


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