

02:11 Nosler Reloading Tip: Seating Plugs for Accuracy Nosler Reloading Tip: Seating Plugs for Accuracy
jannis_hellmuth jannis_hellmuth
Nosler Ballistician, Dakota, breaks down the benefits of using custom seating stems for accuracy during the reloading process.
Nosler Ballistician, Dakota, breaks down the benefits of using cust...
00:50 1 // Was brauche ich für die Krähenjagd? 1 // Was brauche ich für die Krähenjagd?
jannis_hellmuth jannis_hellmuth
Bevor es los zur Krähenjagd geht, verrät der Experte Alexander Busch, was bei einer Krähenjagd überhaupt alles gebraucht wird! Noch kein Abonnent? Wir halten dich auf dem Laufenden: www....
Bevor es los zur Krähenjagd geht, verrät der Experte Alexander Busc...
05:05 Krähenjagd mit Sauer und Rottweil Schrotpatronen Krähenjagd mit Sauer und Rottweil Schrotpatronen
jannis_hellmuth jannis_hellmuth
Krähenjagd-Experte Alexander Busch nimmt euch mit auf eine aufregende Krähenjagd mit der Sauer Selbstladeflinte SL5 und der Rottweil Schrotpatrone GAME EDITION KRÄHE! Neben beeindruckende...
Krähenjagd-Experte Alexander Busch nimmt euch mit auf eine aufregen...
08:56 Sellier & Bellot Factory Tour 4k Sellier & Bellot Factory Tour 4k
jannis_hellmuth jannis_hellmuth
Mike Fisher takes Larry through Sellier & Bellot's state-of-the-art facility, his first tour of an ammunition factory. Click here to subscribe to Youtube: https://bit.ly/3qPWDw2 Sub...
Mike Fisher takes Larry through Sellier & Bellot's state-of-the...
05:51 SWAROVSKI OPTIK – dS Zielfernrohr: Einschießen und App Konfiguration SWAROVSKI OPTIK – dS Zielfernrohr: Einschießen und App Konfiguration
jannis_hellmuth jannis_hellmuth
In diesem Video zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Ihr dS Zielfernrohr einschießen und anschließend die Einstellungen in der dS Configurator-App vornehmen. Jagen heißt, sich auf das Wesentliche z...
In diesem Video zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Ihr dS Zielfernrohr einsc...
07:59 Savage's Compact AR-10: The MSR10 Hunter Review (4K UHD) Savage's Compact AR-10: The MSR10 Hunter Review (4K UHD)
jannis_hellmuth jannis_hellmuth
In this episode of TFBTV, James reviews the Savage MSR-10 Hunter. (Full disclosure in the interest of transparency for our viewers: Some time *after* James reviewed this rifle, Savage agr...
In this episode of TFBTV, James reviews the Savage MSR-10 Hunter. (...
05:02 Best 9mm Ammo? Federal 9mm +P 124gr HST Gel Test Best 9mm Ammo? Federal 9mm +P 124gr HST Gel Test
jannis_hellmuth jannis_hellmuth
If you aren't already subscribed to us, you're missing great content! Click here to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnKbs5xffaEzzdKdPZvfhdQ?sub_confirmation=1 We have tested ...
If you aren't already subscribed to us, you're missing great conten...
27:02 New Federal 224 VALKYRIE at the range! New Federal 224 VALKYRIE at the range!
jannis_hellmuth jannis_hellmuth
22 Plinkster and I head out to do some shooting with the new .224 Valkyrie round from Federal Ammunition. The .224 promises to bring true long range performance to a short action .22 cali...
22 Plinkster and I head out to do some shooting with the new .224 V...
18:02 Fieldsports Britain - Drive-by Squirrel Shooting Fieldsports Britain - Drive-by Squirrel Shooting
jannis_hellmuth jannis_hellmuth
Paul Childerley has to deal with pesky squirrels - and they are at such long ranges that he has to use a rifle he normally reserves for small deer. It's a problem many gamekeepers will kn...
Paul Childerley has to deal with pesky squirrels - and they are at ...
00:50 Model 110 Brush Hunter Model 110 Brush Hunter
jannis_hellmuth jannis_hellmuth
Stop the biggest game in its tracks and beat the toughest conditions with the Savage 110 Brush Hunter. Length-of-pull is easily customized to fit any shooter for comfort and consistency. ...
Stop the biggest game in its tracks and beat the toughest condition...