Deutscher Bogenjagd Verband

Offizielles Profil
Der deutsche Bogenjagd Verband e.V. wurde 1999 gegründet. Wir bieten jedem Interessierten eine Fülle an Informationen über die moderne Jagd mit Pfeil und Bogen, welche mittlerweile in 17 europäischen Ländern als zusätzliche waidgerechte Jagdart akzeptiert ist und erfolgreich praktiziert wird. Der DBJV ist die Dachorganisation für Bogenjagdvereine, Bogenjäger und Jäger in Deutschland.
Der deutsche Bogenjagd Verband e.V. wurde 1999 gegründet. Wir bieten jedem Interessierten eine Fülle an Informationen über die moderne Jagd mit Pfeil und Bogen, welche mittlerweile in 17 europäischen Ländern
DreamPoint's Game of Inches Episode 2 "River Bruins pt 2" Season 2 DreamPoint's Game of Inches Episode 2 "River Bruins pt 2" Season 2
Finn Förster Finn Förster
Justin Olk travels back to Alberta to hunt giant black bear along the shores of the Peace River while good friend Andy Swan is in Saskatchewan in pursuit of a once in a lifetime blonde co...
Justin Olk travels back to Alberta to hunt giant black bear along t...
DreamPoint's Game of Inches Episode 1 "River Bruins pt 1" Season 2 DreamPoint's Game of Inches Episode 1 "River Bruins pt 1" Season 2
Finn Förster Finn Förster
Justin Olk travels back to Alberta to hunt giant black bear along the shores of the Peace River. Expectations are high after killing a 7’ 6” bear last year but inconsistent weather may af...
Justin Olk travels back to Alberta to hunt giant black bear along t...
Finn Förster Finn Förster
Alright friends, grab your boots, shoes, sandals.......go barefoot. JUST GO! Too much to see and too little time to see it. Shot on lots of different cameras, on lots of different ...
Alright friends, grab your boots, shoes, sandals.......go barefoot....
25:32 Searching for West Searching for West
Jan Hüffmeier Jan Hüffmeier
The hunt is a pursuit of balance, while searching for the unknown. The balance that death has struck with life, the one sustaining the other. Everything we eat was alive once. The farmer ...
The hunt is a pursuit of balance, while searching for the unknown. ...
[The Short Season]  111° WEST [The Short Season] 111° WEST
Jan Hüffmeier Jan Hüffmeier
The kickoff short for the new video project from Fencepost Films follows Jeff Simpson on his milestone elk hunt in the backcountry of Montana. Athlete: Jeff Simpson Post Production...
The kickoff short for the new video project from Fencepost Films fo...
The Short Season's 'Colorado' The Short Season's 'Colorado'
Valentin Weiß Valentin Weiß
The 2012 Colorado elk hunt was planned to be a backcountry, high altitude adventure up until Jeff broke his leg a week before the hunt. The cast slowed him down a little, but we still ma...
The 2012 Colorado elk hunt was planned to be a backcountry, high al...